Little is known that one of the 11 founding countries of the Paris Union for the Protection of Industrial Property from 1883, along with France, Spain, Italy, the Netherlands, Switzerland… was also the Kingdom of Serbia.
One of the obligations of the founding countries was the establishment of an institution for the protection of industrial property rights. The Administration for the Protection of Industrial Property of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes was founded on November 15, 1920, when the heir to the throne, Aleksandar Karađorđević, passed the Decree on the Protection of Industrial Property by which it was established. With that in mind, the legal successor of the mentioned Administration, Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Serbia celebrated its 102nd anniversary of continuous work the other day, changing its name from time to time but always protecting intellectual property rights.

Today, the Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Serbia is a modern institution that is extremely dedicated to the protection of intellectual property rights, with a very respectable reputation and number of registered rights, i.e. about 65 thousand patents and minor patents, about 80 thousand trademarks and over 10 thousand industrial designs.