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Importance of trademark

People marked their first handicrafts with signs so that it would be known who they belonged to. In ancient times, they were marked in order to know who the producer was or where the product came from. In the Middle Ages, in certain areas, it was even prescribed to mark products so that they could be distinguished. Finally, the development of trade and its internationalization in the 19th century led to the regulation of this social phenomenon, i.e. to the adoption of the first regulations on trademarks and the organization of this privileged means of regulating market relations.

Today’s modern business cannot be imagined without trademarking your products or services, without constant monitoring and protection of your trademarks against competitive attacks that might dilute the trademark and ruin the reputation. The very importance of a trademark is reflected in the fact that through it consumers notice you, create an image of you and finally remember you. The trademark under which you have decided to do business symbolizes and defines your product and/or service, giving it that decisive nuance.

A few centuries ago, trademark owners tried to make their trademarks look luxurious, and we can safely say that they wanted to create an association with royal coats of arms, giving consumers the feeling that they are part of it. One of the best examples of this is the trademark of the Philip Morris company, which has remained unchanged to this day.

In modern times, things have changed a bit. Research has shown that consumers remember simple and striking trademarks best. Thus, the trademark of the Adidas company is composed of three parallel lines, the trademark of the Mercedes company consists of a circle in which there are three arms equally distant from each other starting from the center, the trademark of the Nike company reminds of that situation when you did something well at university and the professor marked your paper, etc.

When we created our Mirkov Law trademark, we decided on the blue color of the Danube as the predominant color, with the desire to associate it with the Danube – Tisa – Danube Hydrosystem, the creator of which was Nikola Mirkov. The reason why some letters in the trademark are connected is our desire to make big changes, just like the mentioned hydrosystem, connected into one whole. We should note that the Mirkov Law trademark is registered before the Intellectual Property Office under the registration number 81892.

If you need trademark assistance in any jurisdiction where we provide legal services, please feel free to contact us.